Hi, I'm Tzvi

I'm a husband, dad, software developer, lifelong learner, and maker of puns

Come say hi!

I'm @TzviPM on


That's not DRY

In this article, I discuss the meaning of the DRY principle, and how it is often misunderstood.

Comments can be a sign of poorly designed code

In this article, I discuss the use of code comments, the difference between "why" and "what" comments, and how comments can be a sign of poorly designed code.

A unified language for logic

In this article, I discuss Universal Logic Language (ULL), a new approach to cross-platform programming.

Tree-Sitter, LLVM, and the future of language tooling

In this article, I discuss "universal" language tooling that applies across languages. I look at Tree-sitter's success as well as LLVM and rowan, learning what works and what doesn't. Finally, I propose a future of universal language tooling where we learn from one another and our contributions have a broader reach.